Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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File List
337 lines
; This file identifies the Typeface Base Values by name. These are the base
; values as recognized by HP as of the Third Edition (May 1991) of the PCL 5
; Comparison Guide.
; Typeface names that end in '*' are soon to be reassigned. Currently, they
; name typefaces that are more accurately represented as a special treatment
; of another typeface.
0 Line Printer
1 Pica*
2 Elite*
3 Courier
4 Helvetica
5 Times Roman
6 Letter Gothic
7 Script
8 Prestige
9 Caslon
10 Orator
11 Presentations
12 Helvetica Condensed*
13 Serifa
14 Futura
15 Palatino
16 ITC Souvenir
17 Optima
18 ITC Garamond
19 Cooper Black*
20 Coronet
21 Broadway
22 Bauer Bodoni Condensed*
23 Century SchoolBook
24 University Roman
25 Helvetica Outline*
26 Futura Condensed*
27 ITC Korinna
28 Naskh
29 Cloister Black
30 ITC Galliard
31 ITC Avant Garde Gothic
32 Brush
33 Blippo
34 Hobo
35 Windsor
36 Helvetica Compressed*
37 Helvetica Extra Compressed*
38 Peignot
39 Baskerville
40 ITC Garamond Condensed*
41 Trade Gothic
42 Goudy Old Style
43 ITC Zapf Chancery
44 Clarendon
45 ITC Zapf Dingbats
46 Cooper
47 ITC Bookman
48 Stick
49 HP-GL Spline
50 HP-GL Drafting
51 Gill Sans
52 Univers
53 Bodini
54 Rockwell
55 Melior
56 ITC Tiffany
57 ITC Clearface
58 Amelia
59 Park Avenue
60 Handel Gothic
61 Dom Casual
62 ITC Benguiat
63 ITC Cheltenham
64 Century Expanded
65 Franklin Gothic
66 Franklin Gothic Condensed*
67 Franklin Gothic Extra Condensed*
68 Plantin
69 Trump Mediaeval
70 Futura Black
71 ITC American Typewriter
72 Antique Olive
73 Uncial
74 ITC Bauhaus
75 Century Old Style
76 ITC Eras
77 Friz Quadrata (ITC)
78 ITC Lubalin Graph
79 Eurostile
80 Mincho
81 ITC Serif Gothic
82 Snell Roundhand
83 Souvenir Gothic
84 Stymie
85 Univers Condensed*
86 Univers Extended*
87 Bernhard Modern
88 ITC American Typewriter Condensed*
89 Excelsior
90 Gando Ronde Script
91 Ondine
92 P. T. Barnum
93 Kaufman
94 ITC Bolt/ITC Machine
95 Antique Olive Compact*
96 Helvetica Monospaced*
97 Revue
101 Garamond (Stempel)
102 Garth Graphic
103 ITC Ronda
104 OCR-A
105 Cochin
106 Englische Schreibschrift
107 Flash
108 Gothic (numbered)
109 Stencil (ATF)
110 OCR-B
111 Akzidenz-Grotesk
112 TD Logos
113 Shannon
114 ITC Stone Informal
115 ITC Stone Sans
116 ITC Stone Serif
117 Schneidler
118 ITC Symbol
119 ITC Weidemann
120 Copperplate Gothic (display)
121 Trajan
122 Concorde
123 Janson Text
124 Linotype Centennial
125 Life
126 Minster
127 New Century Schoolbook
152 Maru Gosikku (round gothic)
153 Gosikku (kaku, gothic)
154 Socho
155 Kyokasho (text book)
156 Kaisho
157 Traditional Arabic Script
158 Arabic News
159 Post Antiqua
160 Devanagari (Hindi)
161 Krishna (Gujarati)
162 Ranjit (Gurmukhi)
163 Raj Raja (Tamil)
164 Gyosho
165 Hebrew
166 Nork
167 Ousbouh
168 Koufi
169 Italia (ITC)
170 Bem
171 Aachen
172 Americana
173 Arnold Boecklin
174 Copperplate Gothic (text)
175 Belwe
176 ITC Berkeley Oldstyle
177 Frutiger
178 Candida
179 Folio
180 Corona
181 ITC Kabel
182 Garamond No. 3
183 Sabon
184 ITC Novarese
185 Weiss
186 Hiroshige
187 French Script
188 Meridien
189 Mistral
190 Aster
191 Caledonia
192 Nuptial Script
193 Lucida
194 Adobe Wood Series 1
195 Memphis
196 Lucida Sans
197 Syntax
198 Utopia
199 Berthold Walbaum
200 Minion
201 Marigold
202 ITC Tiepolo
203 Versailles
204 ITC Leawood
205 ITC Caslon No. 224
206 ITC Cushing
207 ITC Fenice
208 ITC Usherwood
209 ITC Benguiat Gothic
210 Spartan
211 Neuzeit Grotesk
212 PMN Caecilia
213 ITC Busorama
214 Wile
256 Bar Codes
257 Hadriano
258 Joanna
260 non-Latin Helvitica
261 non-Latin Times
262 ITC Quorum
263 Engravers' Old English
264 Kennerly
265 Adobe Caslon
266 Albertus
267 Aura
268 TBG Omnia
269 Glypha
270 Tempo
271 American Text
272 Pasquale
273 ITC Elan
274 Monotype Goudy Sans
275 Universal News & Commercial Pi
276 Thunderbird
277 Shelley
278 Universal Greek & Math Pi
279 ITC Century
280 Vineta
281 TBG Duc de Berry
282 Times Europa
283 ITC Jamille
284 Flier
285 Wedding Text
286 Carolina
287 Avenir
288 Lucia
289 Tekton
290 Charme
291 ITC Flora
292 Basilica
293 Auriol
294 Kuenstler Script
295 ITC New Baskerville
296 Berling
297 News Gothic
298 Holiday Pi
299 Medici Script
300 Aurora
301 Carta
302 Adobe Symbol
303 Insignia
304 Perpetua
305 Raleigh
306 Romic
308 non-Latin Univers
309 Bauer Bodoni
310 Industria
311 Decoration Pi
312 Letraset Bramley
313 Isabella
314 Cascade Script
315 VAG Rounded
316 Russell Square
317 Liberty
318 ITC Espirit
319 Clairvaux
320 Raphael
321 ITC Franklin Gothic
322 Murray Hill
323 Baker Signet
324 Gambling Pi
325 San Marco
326 Typo Roman
329 McCollough
330 ITC Isadora
332 Letraset Crillee
333 Nadianne
335 ITC Giovanni
336 Neuzeit S
337 Erbar
338 Parisian
342 Bell Centennial
345 Impressum
346 Reporter No. 2
347 Freestyle Script
348 Serpentine
349 Lithos
350 Basilia
351 Simplified Arabic
352 Maximus
353 ITC Slimbach
360 MICR
362 Charlemagne
363 Present Script
365 Baskerville No. 2
366 Engravers' Roman
367 VGC Egyptian 505
368 TBG Herculanum
369 Clearface Gothic
370 Border Pi 1515-9
371 Bundusbahn Pi
372 Chemical Pi
376 Figaro
377 Formal Script
378 Holland Title
390 Sonata
394 Doric
396 Ornaments
408 Garamond (Simoncini)
409 Adobe Wood Series 2
410 Rotis Serif
411 Rotis Semiserif
412 Rotis Sans Serif
413 Rotis Semisans
414 Arcadia
415 ITC Veljovik
416 Armenian Aramian
417 Armenian Barz
418 Helvitica Rounded
419 Olympian
420 DIN Engschrift
421 Granjon
422 Guardi
423 Impact
424 Sassoon Primary
425 Packard
429 Eccentric
430 Empassy
438 Adobe Garamond
442 Moore Computer
443 Commercial Script
445 Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch
447 TSI Caxton
448 Fette Fraktur
449 European Pi
450 Banco
452 Mathematical Pi
454 Cheq
456 Huxley Vertical
457 Grayda
462 Sans No 1.
463 Torino